Mobolaji Williams

Data Scientist & Researcher


I work as a data scientist at AE Studio.

From 2019 to 2024, I worked at Jellyfish, where I ran a few hackathons, mentored some great interns, and built features that modeled how engineers interact and complete projects.

I studied physics at MIT (2009-2013) and Harvard (2014-2019). In undergrad, I explored multiple supersymmetry breaking as a model of dark matter, and as a PhD student, I explored statistical physics and combinatorics of biomolecular interactions as a grad student.

In 2017 and 2018, I taught in MIT's MITES program, which inspired me to publish some ideas on enhancing physics education ("The Missing Curriculum in Physics Problem-Solving Education"). Below are some research papers and presentations.

I post essays at Perturbations.

Research Papers

(2024) Large W limit of the knapsack problem.
Physical Review E, 109(4), 044151
(One Page Summary)/PhysRevE.109.044151

(2022) Derangement model of ligand-receptor binding.
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 10(1), pp.123-166
(One Page Summary)/[arxiv:2201.09471]

(2019) Self-assembly of a dimer system.
Physical Review E, 99(4), 042133.
(One Page Summary)/[arxiv:1909.00455]

(2018) Permutation glass.
Physical Review E, 97(1), 012139.
(One Page Summary)/[arxiv:1801.03231]

(2018) Missing Curriculum in Physics Problem Solving Education.
Science & Education27.3: 299-319.
[Science & Education, 27(3), pp.299-319.]

(2017) Statistical physics of the symmetric group.
Physical Review E, 95(4), 042126.
(One Page Summary)/[PhysRevE.95.042126]

(2013) Multiply Supersymmetry Breaking as a Model of Dark Matter.
MIT Physics
[Thesis PDF]


AE Studio (2024 - )
  • "From Bellman to Dantzig Through Boltzmann" (DS Journal Club, Oct 14, 2024) [Slides]
Jellyfish (2019-2024)
  • "Electoral Misalignment" (DS Journal Club, Nov 15, 2023) [Research Notes]
  • "Bayesian Learning Potential" (DS Research Day, Aug 31, 2023) [Slides]
  • "NYT Digits - Algorithms and Mathematics" (DS Journal Club, July 25, 2023) [Slides]
  • "Introduction to Spectral Clustering" (DS Research Day, Jan 25, 2022) [Jupyter Notebook]
  • "Restricted Boltzmann Machines" (DS Journal Club, Oct 10, 2020) [Slides]
  • "Monty Hall Problem" (Lunch and Learn, July 7, 2020) [Slides]
Insight Data Science (2019)
Harvard Physics (2014-2019)
  • "Spatial Gene Drives and Pushed Genetic Waves" (Shakhnovich Journal Club, Nov 10, 2018) [Slides]
  • "Self Assembly of a Dimer System" (Shakhnovich Group Meeting, May 5, 2018) [Slides]
  • "A Model of Correct and Incorrect Dimer Contacts" (Shakhnovich Group Meeting, Jan 16, 2018) [Slides]
  • "Genes, Environment, and ‘Bad Luck’" (Shakhnovich Journal Club, Nov 10, 2017) [Slides]
  • "Experimental Realizations of Favorable-Contact Model" (Shakhnovich Group Meeting, Aug 15, 2017) [Slides]
  • "Favorable Contact Model of Folding" (Shakhnovich Group Meeting, Mar 21, 2017) [Slides]
  • "Statistical Physics of the Symmetric Group" (Harvard Physics Oral Qualifying Exam, Dec 12, 2016) [Slides]
  • "Statistical Physics of Self-Replication" (Shakhnovich Journal Club, Dec 12, 2016) [Slides]